In: International Journal of Cultural Policy
International Journal of Cultural Policy
DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2010.542239
In Germany, cultural policy is formally made on the level of municipalities, the Länder (federal states) and the federal government. With approximately eight billion Euros per year, they finance a large percentage of cultural and arts activities: music, theater, dance, museums, libraries, film and the preservation of sites of historic interest. The federal government sets the legal framework in which art can be produced and distributed, and finances it indirectly through tax reductions (VAT reduction), copy right laws, and special health insurance and retirement arrangements for artists (Künstlersozialkasse). Within this institutionalized legal and governmental setting, the discursive dimension of politics is often forgotten, particularly when policy creation is being discussed. This article focuses on the discursive dimensions of politics within the field of classical and contemporary music and offers a discourse analysis of mass media coverage to investigate policy‐making.
Online lesenTröndle, Martin / Rhomberg, Markus (2011): The creation of cultural policy in the media: a field research of cultural discourses in Germany. International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol. 17 (5), 538-554.